Done converting xls -> SQL far everything seems OK
Last week I 'discovered' the Dictionary Object...seems perfect when to pass/get parameters from a function (I don't use Actions). So now I am converting my test case functions using Dictionary Object instead of ordinary variables.
+ Easy to add parameters
+ Allows optional parameters
+ Allows multiple output values
+ Since my test parameters are now in a table (pair-wise) I can have a Dictionary Object with the entire recordset (select parameter_name, parameter_value where test_case_id = ...) which is easy to merge with my global test parameters (test environment etc) and have it in my call to a test case.
Set objTCOutputData = MyTestCase (objTCInputData)
- Values in a Dictionary Object are not visible when debugging :-(
Question Time?
There has not been a lot written from us on the blog lately; a lot of other
things to do, and blogging isn’t the hottest thing nowadays, to say the
least. ...
1 month ago
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